This month has been incredibly active for Green Navigation! Just a few days ago, our Lead Data Scientist, Daniel Precioso, visited Barcelona to participate in the Barcelona New Technology Week 2023 (BNEW 2023). This B2B event brought together experts from various fields such as Proptech, Digital Industry, Mobility, Sustainability, Talent, Health, and Experience, all uniting under the shared vision of the New Economy.
During the event, we were fortunate to meet with fellow entrepreneurs from both Incubazul and Opentop. Engaging face to face with other startups, sharing interactions, and identifying shared goals is always a rewarding encounter.

Our highlight from the BNEW event was the roundtable discussion titled «Smart Knowledge: Technology in Service of Knowledge». In this discussion, Daniel shared our perspective on the role of technology in enhancing knowledge. He expressed insights on the necessary changes businesses need to implement to harness technology as a competitive edge. Daniel emphasized the active role companies must play in developing talent acquisition, retention, training, and development methodologies. He also offered a glimpse into the future possibilities of artificial intelligence, particularly when driven by specific core values.
It’s worth mentioning that Green Navigation’s journey began as a project in Cádiz two years ago and has been associated with Incubazul since its inception. Over these two years, our accomplishments have been significant. We emerged as winners at the international Ocean Hackathon event, were recognized by The Arch as the second-best solution for ecological transition in Europe, and even presented our solutions to the European Parliament, with a public intervention by Daniel Precioso.
Incubazul, the high-tech incubator focused on the Blue Economy, aims to shed light on innovative ideas in the maritime sector, synergizing marine resource utilization with sustainability and environmental considerations. It’s proving to be a project with immense potential, setting benchmarks in the Blue Economy, with its acceleration program already supporting 69 startups. Incubazul’s endeavors have the backing of the European Union, co-financed through the INCYDE Foundation and the Spanish Chambers of Commerce, with significant funding from the FEDER within the 2014-2020 Pluriregional Operational Program.
We are very grateful towards Incubazul for inviting us to participate in BNEW 2023 and specially for getting the chance to share our ideas at the round table. You can see our interview above, in Spanish.